How many people judge a book by it’s cover?

Did you know that 52% of people who purchase a book make their decision based on the book cover design?


That’s just crazy to think! All of the hard work that you put into writing your new book and more than half of the people out there will make their buying decision based on the book cover. You desire for your message to get out there and impact many people right?. Let me know if the any of the following resonates with you:

  • You desire to impact as many people as you can with your message but you're just not sure what to do.

  • You have a vision for what you would like your book cover to look like but you're just not sure how to make that happen or your past experiences left you frustrated.

  • You have a limited budget but you would like to receive as much professional value as possible to promote your new book.

I believe the following book promotional packages will serve you best. See what fits your needs and if you have any questions please feel free to connect. Currently you can:


Save up to $400 this month only!

Book Promo Packages



• 1:1 Discovery Session (30Min)
• Professional book designer
• Image/Illustration Research
• 2 book covers concepts
• 2 rounds of changes
• 1 3D book mockup


✅ One Professional Book Cover Design Print Ready (HR)

Social Promotion:
✅ 1 social media book post
✅ 1 email image/gif
✅ 1 website banner image


• 1:1 Discovery Session (30Min)
• 1:1 Marketing Tips (30Min)
• Professional book designer
• Image/Illustration Research
• 2 book covers concepts
• 2 rounds of changes
• 1 3D book mockup


✅ One Professional Book Cover Design Print Ready (HR)

Social Promotion:
✅ 4 social media images - 1 Book Quote, Main book post for both FB & Insta
✅ 1 social media video (16:9)
✅ 1 social media video (Insta)
✅ 1 email image/gif
✅ 1 website banner image

• Book Cover Checklist
• Canva Workshop


• 1:1 Discovery Session (60Min)
• 1:1 Marketing Tips (30Min)
• Professional book designer
• Image/Illustration Research
• 2 book covers concepts
• 2 rounds of changes
• 1 3D book mockup
• 1 Book Landing Page(???)
• 1 PDF 1st Chap Download Designed


✅ One Professional Book Cover Design Print Ready (HR)

Social Promotion:
✅ 8 social media images - 2 Book Quotes, Testimonials & Main book post for both FB & Insta
✅ 2 social media video (16:9)
✅ 2 social media video (Insta)
✅ 1 email image/gif
✅ 1 website banner image

Video Promo:
✅ 1•30/60sec Book Promo Video
✅ Includes BG Music
✅ Your VO add $250

• Book Cover Checklist
• Canva Workshop

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How Our Process Works

1. Choose Package - First Choose a package that fits you best above. Complete your payment.

2. The Creative Brief - Once you choose a package and complete your payment a creative brief will be sent for you to file out. The purpose of this brief is to get to know you a little better, to understand your audience and what you're specific goals for your video may be.

3. Style Board - After reviewing your creative brief I will begin research for style and images that we could use for your new book cover.

4. Book Design - After we review the style board and I get enough feedback from you then I will proceed in laying out your new book cover. Once I reach a first draft point I will show you where I’m at with two book cover designs & how your new book cover is shaping up.

5. Final Book Design - Once you have chosen your final book design from the two book cover options I will proceed in making everything into high resolution ready for printing. I will collect and send you a Print ready PDF as well as native files in case you need them for the future.

6. Delivery - When all is ready I will deliver your final native files as well as high rez PDF’s with the correct specs for you to send to the printer.


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1. Do I pay after my book cover is designed or before? - Answer: All book cover projects must be paid for upfront before any project is started.

2. How long will it take to receive my print ready book cover design? - Answer: We have a 3 & 4 week turnaround time but allot of times book covers will be completed before that time if all goes well on the project.

3. What if I’m not happy with my book cover? - Answer: If your not happy with your book cover we will make sure we do all that we can to make you the happiest you can be. I want to see you succeed, so I will do my best to understand your vision from the start and communicate clearly each step so we don’t have any misunderstanding. But all in all I believe you will be happy with the product I can deliver for you.

4. How long does it take to create a promo video? - Answer: Well I have a process that will help you formulate the words for a script and get your thoughts on paper. We can then begin to communicate your message through a mini story board and short animatic. Once this is approved I will move into animation. you will review and then I’ll work on any updates and produce a final video for you to start using. Typically this takes a week or two to complete, so we’ll start the promo video shortly after the book cover.

If you have any questions about these packages, please drop me a line below, I would be happy to answer any questions you may have:

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Adam DiLernia
Founder, Seedsprout Consulting, LLC