General Questionair
Their are 4 areas that seedsprout consulting focuses on. Strategy, Branding, Design and Marketing. This section covers our General intake questionair. Please allow yourself enough time to answer the below questions as best as you can, if you can't answer some of them, that's perfectly fine as well, but please try to answer as many as possible. These questions will ensure that we are communicating and will help us achieve the vision / goals you are desiring. Once you complete the form below and press the submit button you will then be asked to schedule a ( 30 min ) call with me. Thank you for your time and I look forward to talking with you soon.
Let's Grow Something Great together!
Adam DiLernia
Please answer the following 22 questions that are divided up into the four categories of Business, Demographics, Branding/marketing and Financials. Please note that all fields are required, so if you cant give a specific answer then just type the word "No" or "Non-applicable" etc... One you complete the form please press submit.