Roundtable Resources
Thank you for taking the time to check out our Roundtable resources. Please bookmark this page as we will be adding content as the roundtables unfold. I also kindly ask on an honor system that you use these resources for yourself. Please dont share this page with anyone without permission.
You will see the 4 areas that seedsprout consulting focuses on below. We have created a handful of worksheets and resource sheets in PDF format for you to download. Please note that each Category such as Strategy, Branding, Design and Marketing has its downloads in that section. Everything should be well organized, but if you see anything that needs to be fixed, please let us know. Thanks, I am looking forward to the next time we meet! Until then!
Let's Grow Something Great!
Adam DiLernia
Worsheet 1 : Strategizer Diagram
Worsheet 2 : Yearly Goal Sheet
Worsheet 3 : Quarterly Goal Sheet
Worsheet 4 : Value Ladder (Coming Soon)
Resource : Reference Sheet
Audio: Strategy Presentation
Video: Strategy Presentation
Worsheet 1 : The Perfect Brand Alignment Coming Soon!
Worsheet 2 : Creating a Value Proposition Coming Soon!
Resource : Reference Sheet
Audio: Branding Presentation
Video: Strategy Presentation
Worsheet 1 : Design Strategy (Coming Soon)
Worsheet 2 : Design Project Checklist (Coming Soon)
Resource 1: Timeless Scaleable Techniques ( Coming Soon)
Resource 2: being creative ( Coming Soon )
Audio: Design Presentation
Video: Design Presentation - Coming Soon
Worsheet 1 : Coming Soon!
Worsheet 2 : Coming Soon!
Resource : Coming Soon!
Audio: Marketing Presentation
Video: Marketing Presentation